LDG EP #003 Let’s Get Goaling
Have you set your goal list for 2016? Let’s get goaling! The time is now. How else will you get where you’re looking to go.
Have you set your goal list for 2016? Let’s get goaling! The time is now. How else will you get where you’re looking to go.
Karen Cole has spent more than 20 years educating youth in percussion. She has participated in the symphonic band, percussion ensemble and was principal percussionist for the Wind Symphony. Come take a listen to Karen’s tips on how to find your true bliss. Learn more about Karen at: KColePercussion.com Share on FacebookShare on…
When I first met Michael, a young 24 year old student and hockey goaltender who is also a Bourbon distiller, I knew I had to hear more. Come take a listen on how one goes from being a hockey player to becoming an Bourbon distiller. Learn more about Michael at: http://www.americanbarrels.com Twitter: @american_barrels …
Hi and welcome to the Lil’ Drummer Girl Radio Show. This is a introduction episode to the show. This is a weekly show for musicians, artists and entrepreneurs who are looking for a place to learn marketing and branding for your business as well as interviews from musicians from around the globe giving you insight…
Driving a race car is something I’ve dreamt about doing since I drove my first bumper car in Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY. I have yet to drive on a track, although I did get a tour of the Daytona 500 and got on the track with a tour. The closest I’ve come this far…
Do you feel that using Social Media takes up too much of your time every day/week/month? You’re not alone. As a solopreneur, I’m always looking for ways to gain more hours in a day and now I’ve found it thanks to Tim Fargo’s new app Social Jukebox. Meet Tim Fargo, the founder of The Social Jukebox…
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